Security Upgrade for MediHome System
Date : 2016-07-02
Location :
We have upgraded MediHome System to implement a stronger authentication system for user logins. Previously, it uses the SHA encryption cypher to store password hashes. A more secure method using BCrypt is now in place to strengthen it further.
This upgrade was not driven by any attempt to breach or a result of a breach of our system. We continuously improve the system whenever possible, whilst observing best practices.
All of your passwords are hashed with salts and the passwords are not stored in our system. Since we have no way to know your existing passwords, we have no choice but to reset all of your passwords. You should have received an e-mail requesting you to reset your passwords. If you did not receive any e-mail, you can always request for a reset via the 'Forgot Password' feature.
Always use strong passwords to ensure that your privacy is protected.